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Benefits of IB

Participating in the IBDP yields many benefits:

  • Pursuing the IB Diploma or IB work in individual subjects/the IB core increases your chances of gaining admission to the college or university of your choice. Earning an IB Diploma gives you admissions preference and college credit at many universities worldwide.

  • Doing IB work in high school drastically increases your chances of completing a degree at a four year college.  College admissions and academic counselors report that IB students are much more prepared for college and university work upon high school graduation than their peers.  

  • In addition to academic skills, IB students learn valuable strategies for successful time management, emotional regulation, community building, collaboration, project management, open-mindedness, and maturity.  IB students report a higher level of satisfaction and closer relationships with teachers and friends during their 11th and 12th grade years.

  • You will have many more opportunities to be selected for valuable and prestigious scholarships, grants, internships, and other opportunities.

  • IBDP students at Walden are given additional opportunities to participate in summer retreats, expeditions, and social activities with other IB students in Utah.

College Credit


Many colleges and universities offer credit for IB courses taken in high school. The amount and type of credit varies among schools, so make sure to check the articulation of credits by clicking on the links below. 


Thea Lefave

One of the best benefits from the IB program is that I got a partial ride to my top college but as amazing as that was I am also grateful for the amazing friends I made along the way. 

Thea will be attending Westminster College in the fall on the Dean’s Scholarship.

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Adrian Echavarria

Senior Class of 2020

IB Diploma Candidate

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Hintze Garrett

I believe it made my college applications better. I got into every school I applied to that wasn't Stanford or an Ivy League.

Hintze will be attending Brigham Young University in the fall on full-ride scholarship.

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Yuriya Luong

I was able to get accepted into many wonderful colleges, however I think the greatest result of the IBDP is (now) my ability to think outside of the box. I think my brain has grown in all aspects, and I would not give it up for a "normal" or "less stressful" 2 years.  

Yuriya will be attending Bryn Mawr College in the fall on a Bryn Mawr College Presidential Scholarship.

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Clara Stapleton

Anyone can join IB. You don't need perfect grades, and you don't need to be a perfect student. IB genuinely prepares you for college, and graduation seems less scary. While many may think "It's just a bunch of homework", the college credit is nowhere near as valuable as the friendships and bonds I have built with my fellow IB Diploma classmates and teachers. They are some of the best, kindest, and most helpful people in my life and I am truly grateful for all of them. 

Clara will be attending Westminster College in the fall.

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